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Trinkets of Gold
TypeSupport, Neutral (Neutral)
Edition Shield of the Gods (# 115)
TraitsLizardmen, Treasure, Attachment
RulesOrder only. Attach to a target Lizardmen unit you control. Action: When attached unit attacks or defends, draw cards equal to the number of Treasure and Artefact cards you control.
Users having Trinkets of Gold
Found 294 users
# Name Location
3 Unknown location
3 Poland - Krakow
3 Poland - Katowice
3 Poland - Lodz
3 Germany
Latest decks using Trinkets of Gold
Name User Races
Copy of Copy of LIZ 2014 Regionals Warszawa 2014 krasnal
Copy of Copy of LIZ 2014 Regionals Warszawa 2014 krasnal
Scar-Leader Kroq-Gar mazor
Scar-Leader Kroq-Gar TotalIndifference
LIZ cantorre

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